Proudly celebrating 90 years of Quality and Affordable Private School Education

Discover a world of academic excellence and innovative thinking development!

Pretoria Chinese School is an English medium, independent private school based on a multi-denominational, multi-cultural ethos. PCS provides a safe school environment in which the spiritual background of all learners is respected, embracing all learners by creating equal education opportunities. We welcome students from any religious or cultural denomination.

Why choose Pretoria Chinese School as your educational partner?

Pretoria Chinese School offers a personalised and caring educational environment with the following phases of schooling: Preschool, Junior Preparatory, Senior Preparatory and College. Our School is built on Three Pillars of Success: Discipline, Humility and Respect.

As an institution of learning, our mission is to demonstrate progressive and sustained values and ethics.

Opportunity to study the Chinese language at one of the most outstanding Private Schools in Pretoria (City of Tshwane)

Families of the Pretoria Chinese School are privileged to receive a rare opportunity to aid their children in acquiring an advantage, which will carry them throughout their lives. The Chinese culture is the oldest literate culture in the world, continuously practiced in a clearly identifiable state over the last 5,000 years.

Privileged opportunity to study Chinese through our esteemed Language Centre

PCS also boasts a Language Centre with the mission to promote cultural integration and improve relations among Mandarin and English speakersLearning a language encompasses being able to speak the target language and is about understanding the background and culture of the people to fully and effectively communicate.

Our Pretoria Chinese School Language Centre allows each child and student to explore diverse languages and culture: learning Mandarin as language creates an international educational gateway for students, where the foundations are created, and the journey of learning begins.

Our students innovate... because their imagination knows no bounds. Our PCS Language Centre also presents adult Mandarin classes to our parents and the general public. The part-time Mandarin course(s) focus on teaching you how to communicate in real-life situations. Our Adult Mandarin Classes have been running for numerous years and have built up a very good reputation. Please go read what the Language Centre does and enrol for the next Mandarin class!

Our campus experience transform education for the benefit of all with a caring and nurturing educational environment

If you are in the process of evaluating different private school options for your child then you know that most, if not all, schools overwhelm you with many reasons why you have to enrol your child at that school.

Showcasing our Pretoria campus allows you to evaluate our school and everything we offer and make sure that it is truly the right fit for your family.

Pretoria Chinese School and its professional teachers are truly committed to excellence in education and seeks to produce learners who are leaders – each in their own individual and unique way. Motivated teachers achieve excellence in an integrated, nurturing, and educational environment – with PCS offering a place to learn about self and leadership, to create social and emotional intelligence through goal-driven education.

Your Family’s Future: Choosing the right private school for your child

Choosing the best value-for-money private school in Pretoria is critical to ensuring that your child's future is bright and fulfilled as possible. At PCS we follow a four-phase educational model. We've summarised our four educational phases below so that you can make a more educated (and financial) informed decision. 

We create educational journeys for all our Learners!

Preschool Phase

Our Preschool phase is where the educational journey starts, focusing squarely on the child as an individual. 

Preschool (Grades 00 to 0) is an early childhood program in which children combine learning with play in a program run by professionally trained teachers.

Our vibrant preschool teachers (and assistants!) educate, care for, and inspire the young minds at our preschool. Using various teaching methods, including artistic expression, educational play, and storytelling, they will teach your child to identify different shapes, colours, numbers, and letters while providing foundational life skills and preparing them for Junior Preparatory.

Building the foundation for excellence!

Junior Preparatory

Our Junior Preparatory phase builds the foundation for excellence from a young age! Grades start from 1 to 3. An exciting journey for each learner of personal discovery and growth through each education phase preparing for the Senior Preparatory phase.

The positive and supportive environment throughout our school and the personal attention each learner receives forms part of the cornerstone of our achievement.

We also offer supervised homework classes and academic support to ensure that learners optimize their academic time at school. Class teaching occurs with small classes that do not exceed 22 students, which means that every child gets the necessary attention to enhance their personal academic growth.

Academic excellence is our focus!

Senior Preparatory

The Senior Preparatory phase  incorporates Grades 4 to 7 and is the beginning of a more formalised education. Without the solid foundation we build in the junior preparatory phase, learners struggle to cope. Grade 4 learners are introduced to cycle tests and assessment marks for the first time.

Academic excellence is our focus, but we strive toward developing the whole self. We continue to push our three pillars of strength to help every student grow into their own in this phase. Discipline, humility and respect are also instilled in every Grade 7 student as they are encouraged to monitor classes and participate in events. 

Our focus is thus not only on encouraging academic excellence but also on offering academic support, which is presented in English, Mathematics, Afrikaans and Mandarin.

The start of an educational gateway for Learners!

College Phase

College is all about preparing for Grade 12. Students are motivated to do well with their studies, discovering and learning together, offering a world of opportunities to everyone in the class. Grades 8 to 12 start an educational gateway for Learners through adolescence, preparing for Matriculation and adult life.

Pretoria Chinese School offers a broad and balanced curriculum that provides the best possible education to meet the needs of students according to their talents and strengths.

Our curriculum design will mentally stimulate and challenge students. It also provides students with vibrant and creative learning environments that are challenging, encourages curiosity and critical thinking.

How do we nurture your child’s academic abilities, foster leadership development and get your child exposed to the very best learning opportunities?

Academic excellence rests on the capable shoulders of our highly effective and motivated teachers, focused on improving student outcomes through their unwavering commitment to quality teaching. 

Innovative teaching strategies aren't always about introducing the newest and greatest technology into the classroom. Instead, innovative teaching involves actively introducing new teaching strategies and methodologies into the classroom.

Leadership requires the continual development of emotional intelligence: All our academic programmes and co-curricular activities are structured to nurture and sprout emotional intelligence. Students learn the value of perseverance, integrity and a passion for life. Our Students excel in the classroom and enjoy an innovative and world-class education that builds vital skills for life.

We aim to excel in the following Six areas of emotional and academic development:

Academic excellence
Nurturing students to achieve academic excellence through our innovative teaching methods

Personal attention
Small classes led by expert teachers -who provide personal attention to each student for maximum impact

Best infrastructure
Supporting academic and co-curricular activities for all students through continual investments

Holistic development
Learning beyond classrooms through co-curricular activities to ensure all-round development

A safe  campus for all
Ensuring the safety of every child through investing in  comprehensive security measures

Innovative teaching methods
Actively introducing new teaching strategies into the classroom

At Pretoria Chinese School we promote creativity and critical thinking encouraging learners to make their own choices within well-established boundaries:

Learners study better with focus, mastering difficult study material in no time (teachers are on hand to guide learners).

Learners get the academic results they deserve through an internationally recognised academic qualification.

Learners are motivated by the very best innovative, online and classroom-based learning methods.

Learners enjoy a unique competitive advantage whilst studying at Pretoria Chinese School. Foremost is leadership development and nurturing of each child’s emotional intelligence abilities.  

Learners get dedicated, professional teachers helping them with the unforeseen challenges of studying and problems arising in the learner’s world.

Learners discovered how to explore, experiment, and enhance their academic and life skills. This is what we do at PCS!

What are the admission requirements to study at Pretoria Chinese School?

Pretoria Chinese School is committed to excellence in education.  We have enjoyed a deserved reputation since 1934 for academic excellence but we recognise that teaching excellence is an ongoing process.

Our aim is to always improve our service to parents as well as keep innovating our teaching methods. We nurture our learner’s academic abilities, foster their leadership development and expose them to the very best learning opportunities. All the details regarding admission requirements are explained on the admissions summary page.  To view the fees payableclick over to the fees page.

We welcome and encourage any interested parents to visit our school campus and experience our facilities, have a look at our beautiful classrooms and facilities, possibly meet the class teacher and ask any questions about Pretoria Chinese School you may have. A school visit can be arranged for any school day between 8:30 and 13:00 by contacting the School office.

Thank you for considering Pretoria Chinese School as an option for your Child's education

School admission is now open. Please reserve your place at PCS and send us your application TODAY! Classes are deliberately kept small and intimate to maximize your child's chances of continued progress and good marks. We do not compromise on academic integrity. Start your child off with a strong academic foundation!

Please note space for prospective learners is extremely limited and there may already be waiting lists for certain classes. The sooner you contact us and apply for admission, the better your chances of bypassing long waiting lists. We strictly follow a first come first served policy.

We love to prepare our learners face the outside world with confidence - that's why we specialise in advanced learning for the future presenting diverse subjects such as Robotics, Information Technology (IT/ Coding) and Mandarin.

Bursary Reward Plan for Grade 8 Students

Pretoria Chinese School is dedicated to promoting academic excellence and leadership by providing opportunities for students to achieve their educational goals. As part of this commitment, we offer academic bursaries to Grade 7 students who are applying to study for Grade 8 at our school.

The bursary will include provision for Leadership Bursaries for students attending JEC from Pretoria Chinese School. These bursaries will be awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional leadership skills in their academic work and extracurricular activities. The number and value of the bursaries will be determined by the school administration.

Our 2024 School Fee schedule is now available for download! 

Let's Connect!

We will do our best to accommodate your child at PCS: we prepare our students to face the unforeseen challenges of the world head-on, encouraging them to explore, experiment, express and enhance their innate skills and be world-ready. Gift your child today with all this life-changing educational benefits we provide since 1934 - but to avoid disappointment, please view our admission requirements, our fee structure and then download, complete and send us your admission application forms today.

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You are invited to visit our beautiful Campus

We are delighted you consider Pretoria Chinese School as your best private school choice!

Pretoria Chinese School's Campus is located within the City of Tshwane (Gauteng Province). Speak to one of the Deputy Principals if you have pressing questions and need answers fast. We are here to help your child get the best creative education.

Your gateway to academic excellence

Independent educational, professional Memberships and Affiliations

Pretoria Chinese School is an active, registered member of several outstanding educational institutions whose mission is to support schools with specialist knowledge and practical operational guidance. Affiliations include ISASA and the Independent Examiners Board (IEB). As members, we attend their events and conferences frequently.

Professional associations and membership organisations offer opportunities for our students to get up-to-date information and resources that support them in their school academic programs. Our students gain access to study materials and subject information from a wide range of excellent sources.

As one of Pretoria's leading registered private and independent education schools, Pretoria Chinese School maintains close working relationships with several regional and national educational institutions. We provide students with more opportunities to broaden their educational experiences and prepare them for exams.

We also subscribe to the qualifications framework established by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) whose function is to regulate the awarding of qualification certificates according to the regulations contained in the "Qualification Regulations Act, 2003".

Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa

Southern African Bursars of Independent Schools Association

Southern African Heads of Independent Schools Association

Independent Examiners Board

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